The last portage wasn't too bad, we didn't need any help from the "angels". After we were done with the portage, we paddled 2 miles down the river and saw a MickeyD along side. So, we pulled over and had a nice hearty lunch with extra to save for dinner. I've noticed a pattern about Jeffrey. After a nice full meal, he becomes very sluggish. Anyway, we paddled on and passed by three locks. The first one is the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock, second one is the Lower St. Anthony Falls, and the third one is Lock #1. Passing through the locks is much easier than portaging but still is time consuming. Each lock took us about 25 to 30 minutes to pass. After covering about 36 miles, we set camp on a muddy little island near South St. Paul. The good thing about this island is mosquito free. However, if there's a good, there gotta be a bad. The ground is quite muddy, we decided to sleep on our hammock instead of in our tent. I found tons and tons of dry wood for camp fire. We played with the fire a little bit and then hit the sack early. Tomorrow weather forecast is disheartening with severe storms, 50% chance of rain and strong SSE winds. I don't mind paddling in the rain, just hate setting up camp in the rain. We'll just have to play it by ear.,-93.022206+(MyPosition)
longitude: -93.022206
latitude: 44.891649

- Posted from my iPhone
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